Monthly usage summary
View monthly transactions against balance
The Usage summary offers a comprehensive snapshot of your account's financial activity, detailing both the starting balance and any balance added/used as of the 1st of the previous month. These statements are generated on the 1st of every month, offering insights into the total balance added and any usage incurred during the last month.
This provides valuable insights into your account activity, allowing you to track expenses, manage your budget, and make decisions about your account. Regularly review your summary to stay informed about your account activity and ensure accuracy in billing.

You can download your statement to review the details.
- Balance used: This section details the SMS or WhatsApp charges, including the number of purchases and renewals made during the previous month.
- Balance added: This section outlines any additions to your balance, such as credits, recharges, refunds, auto-recharges, or top-ups. Here is the sample summary statement for your reference.

Updated 4 months ago