Merge by WhatsApp number

When importing contact data, the system compares the WhatsApp numbers of new contacts with those already existing ones. If a match is found between the WhatsApp number of a new contact and an existing one, the system merges the additional information from the new contact into the existing one. This includes combining fields such as name, email, and other relevant contact details.

For example:

Existing List A:

WhatsApp NumberFirst NameLast NameEmail
+44 20 1234 5678AliceSmith[email protected]

New contact upload: You have a new set of contact information to import, which includes additional fields:

WhatsApp NumberFirst NameLast NameCityAddress
+44 20 1234 5678AliceSmithLondon456 Park Avenue, Manchester

Final list after merging by WhatsApp number and mapping respective columns:

WhatsApp NumberFirst NameLast NameEmailCityAddress
+44 20 1234 5678AliceSmith[email protected]London456 Park Avenue, Manchester

The final list includes the following changes:

  • Merged Contact: Alice Smith
  • WhatsApp Number: +44 20 1234 5678
  • City: London (added)
  • Address: 456 Park Avenue, Manchester (added)

In this example, even though James Johnson is a new contact with different personal information, the system recognizes that he shares the same WhatsApp number as Alice Smith. It merges additional information (city and address) with Alice's existing contact record, ensuring that there are no duplicate entries.