Merge by phone number

When importing contact data, you have the option to merge duplicates based on the phone number. This merge option allows you to consolidate the details of contacts that have the same phone number, preventing the creation of duplicate entries. By selecting the merge duplicates by phone number, the system compares the phone numbers of the new contacts with the existing ones. If a match is found, instead of creating a duplicate entry, the system merges the additional information into the existing contact. By merging the data based on the phone number, you can combine the additional fields with the existing record and avoid duplicate entries.

For example:

Existing List A:

ContactPhone NumberFirst NameLast NameCity
Contact 1+447891234123JohnSmithLondon
Contact 2+447891234456AgathaHyderabad

New contact upload: You have a new set of contact information to import, which includes additional fields:

ContactPhone NumberFirst NameLast NameCity
Contact 4+447891234456AgathaChristieBangalore
Contact 3+447891234789MattJonesMalvern

Final list after merging by phone number and mapping respective columns:

ContactPhone NumberFirst NameLast NameCity
Contact 1+447891234123JohnSmithLondon
Contact 2+447891234456AgathaChristieBangalore
Contact 3+447891234789MattJonesMalvern

The final list includes the following changes:

  • Added a new contact (Contact 3)
  • Updates existing contacts (Contact 2 and Contact 4 are merged)
  • ā€œChristieā€ added to the Last Name
  • The city changed from ā€œHyderabadā€ to ā€œBangaloreā€