Enforce account-level SMS opt-outs
Account-level SMS opt-outs provide a convenient way to manage opt-outs for all Interact numbers and sender names associated with the account. Account level opt-out is a setting that applies to the entire account.
When a user responds to an Interact number with an opt-out keyword/tag, such as "STOP" or "UNSUBSCRIBE," and account-level opt-outs are enabled, the phone number will be opted-out from receiving messages from all Interact Numbers and all sender names associated with the account. Each number purchased through Interact has the option to enable account-level opt-outs. This feature can be found on the "Manage number" page for each number in your account. To verify the account-level opt-outs, you can refer to the "Account level opt-outs" column on the Opt-outs page. This column indicates if a specific number is opted out for all Interact numbers within the account.

For example, Account 1 has multiple senders: X, Y, and Z.
When a user sends a "STOP" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" message to sender X and if Account level suppression is enabled:
- All senders associated with Account 1 (including senders Y and Z) will be affected.
- Senders X, Y, and Z will not be able to send messages from your account.
- The opt-out is applied at the account level and all associated senders are restricted.
Updated 12 months ago